I had a really delightful time with a new-to-me panty boy phone sex caller recently. His pre-call questionnaire said that he identified as a panty boy. Once we had emailed a couple of times, then talked, I could see that he was certainly telling the truth!
Granny Panties Are His Panty Boy Fetish
We’ll call this caller Mr. PB. It’s certainly a fitting name. He has 150 pairs of panties. That’s right..150. We are not talking about your garden-variety panties either. Mr. PB has a fascinating back story, and due to it, he developed a love of granny panties. What I have seen of his collection is an exquisite assortment of custom-ordered, hand-crafted panties that would cause many a panty boy to tear at their hair in envy. In addition to their feminine prettiness, some pairs are made of a vintage fabric, that ties in with his story. At 150 pairs, I think it is safe to say that Mr. PB has moved from the realm of Panty Boy to Panty Fetishist.
What’s In Your Panty Boy Collection?
The more I thought about the sessions that I had with Mr. PB, the more I became convinced that he had the largest collection of panties of any panty boy that I had ever talked to. Since I love challenges, that my mind took the logical next-step, and wondered “who has more?” Is it you?
The challenge is on! I want to know if a panty boy exists that has more panties that Mr. PB. If so, I want to see pictures, and I want to hear your back story. I want to know how you became the man that can’t wait for his alone time, so that he can slip into the satiny delight of a perfectly fitted pair of panties, and admire himself in the mirror.
Tell me.