Project Runway – The Stylish Cross Dresser

Be a stylish crossdresser for meIf you aren’t already, now is the time of year when a cross dresser really must bring her game face, and transform from a mere mortal into a stylish cross dresser.  Awards season is in full swing, and the New York Fashion Week (NYFW) is underway, so now is not the time to be frumpish and dowdy. Not that there is ever a time for that, but especially not now.  It’s time for you to tap into your inner fashionistas! And once you have, of course, you must share with Ms Isbaelle and me.

Expressing Your Stylish Cross Dresser Self

Odds are, you don’t have an invitation to any of the shows. And if you do, you need to FedEx it to me post haste. But assuming you are not fashion royalty, and you won’t be sitting in the front row of Lincoln Center, you are going to have to be creative, and let us see what kind of panache you have.  I’ve got a few ideas, and you are free to take them and embellish them, or come up with something to dazzle us.

Whatever approach you take, your assignment is to come as close to creating a red-carpet or runway experience as possible.  You needn’t drop a lot of cash for this project.  You can take a note from Macklemore and Lewis, and pop tags at your local “Thrift Shop“, if you are going to actually dress the part.

That won’t be possible for all of you, and that is fine.  You can make a collage of what you’d wear, and send a picture of it in.  You can create your favorite ensemble at Polyvore, and share it with us there.  You can draw your vision, paint it, or write a story, chock-full of rich detail, describing what you have on as you strut your stuff.  Whatever means that allows you to fully immerse in your stylish cross dresser self is fine.   You just need to share the outcome.  And you need to remember that we love swag bags, so do your part toward filling ours to the brim.  In the immortal words of Madonna…”Express Yourself!”

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