Feminization Hormone Therapy

feminzation hormone therapySometimes girls will go deep enough into their journey that feminization hormone therapy is something that they begin to consider.  Despite what you might fantasize about, in reality, there are precautions that you really need to take, and things that you need to consider.  Though each situation is unique as the individual that is in it, there are some general things you need to know.

What is WPATH and What Role Does It Play In Feminization Hormone Therapy?

WPATH stands for World Professional Association for Transgender Health.  It used to be named HBIGDA, after Harry Benjamin, who was one of the first doctors ever to work with transgendered patients.  He was one of the doctors that worked with Christine Jorgensen,  who became the early face for transformation.


WPATH is an international organization that has established Standards of Care.  Those Standards are primarily devoted to sexual reassignment surgery, hormone therapy, and real life experience.  They lay out  concise guidelines for transitions.  You may read through them and think that they are far too conservative.  Though I realize that when you finally decide to take that step you may wish to dive in head first, feminization hormone therapy is not something to undertake without doing your research.

Finding a Doctor for Feminization Hormone Therapy

If you are twitching in your Pour La Victoire pumps, ready to head for the nearest clinic, stop.  Most doctors will require that you first see a therapist that specializes in gender identity.  That doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll have to go through intensive traditional therapy.  The intent is to make sure that you are comfortable with and aware of issues surrounding feminization hormone therapy.  It also gives you an opportunity to address any other issue you may have, gender related or not.

Another important thing is having someone outside the therapeutic setting to talk things over with, and explore your feelings about.  Establishing relationships with understanding, empathetic genetic girls like Ms Isabelle and myself can be very beneficial relationships to form during your transition.  Though not doctors or traditional therapists, having us to talk to can be an invaluable source of comfort, knowledge, and just plain old girl talk fun!

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